Contribute to another's recovery by providing a gift certificate for them.
Private Pay
There is no need for a diagnosis on your medical record to use my service.
Compassion Fatigue Coach
Wellbeing Coach
Sober Coach
Basic Compassion Fatigue, Wellbeing, or Sober Coaching program includes the following weekly:
One scheduled 30-minute meeting (FaceTime/Zoom/Skype or face-to-face)
One scheduled 10-minute phone call check-in
One impromptu up to 15-minute phone call, will connect ASAP, response within 12 hours
Will read and comment on text documents and emails
To redeem a gift certificate - click "Pay Now" button
Pay for weekly program
Over the last 20 plus years I've worked with well over a thousand individuals, mostly healthcare professionals, as they've gone through the process of recovering from an impairment. I can help you, too. Whether you simply want to improve your wellbeing or you've suffered from burnout, compassion fatigue, substance use disorder, or a behavioral addiction, the basics of the coaching program will be similar.
I use motivational interviewing to determine which programs will be appropriate and acceptable for your situation.
Together we will develop your personal wellbeing plan, agree upon your goals, and set up accountability.
Want to help out a loved one who has Compassion Fatigue or Substance Use Disorder? You can contribute toward their recovery by buying them a gift certificate.
The process will start with an interview and continue with questionnaires and surveys so you can determine if coaching is appropriate. I offer coaching, not therapy or counselling. If psychotherapy, psychiatric help, or medical doctors are needed, then I'll give you a referral so you can get a professional evaluation.